Nook News
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Membership Fee: $25.00 per family
Parent Praise:
Bethany, Nook Parent
"We discovered when my son was a little over a year old that he had basically been deaf since birth. The unfortunate truth was that his hearing problems could not be corrected through hearing aids. As we looked at the road ahead of us, and the multiple therapies he would need to correct his developmental delays, we knew the journey ahead of us would be an arduous one, to say the least. It was through multiple people that we heard about the Reading Nook and the the amazing staff they had. Our son began therapy in January of 2019 and enrolled as a full-time student in the fall of the same year. At the beginning of our journey at the Nook, he could not form complete sentences, communication was very limited and frustrating, and his self-confidence was very low. We are in our third year of our journey and the transformation has been amazing! He has blossomed into a confident, intelligent little boy. We can carry on complete conversations with him, and he can confidently talk to anyone now with minimal frustrations. Thank you for making our journey smooth and giving our son the start that will give him the best chance at success in life."